So I'll start with our "new addition" to our family, Henry. He's the brown dog in the pictures. We got him as a puppy in Jan of this year, next month he will be one already! The white dog is Brutus, he's been with us now for 5 years. He is loving being the "big brother" of Henry.
The dogs.

The kids together.... I tried SO hard to get a picture of these kids all smiling, but that just never happens!! This is in our front yard.....

Ben and Gracie on the front porch......

Ben, Autumn and Jake, I think this was around Easter.

Jake is almost a teenager. I can't believe it. It seems like yesterday he was a baby, time really does go as fast as people say it does! When I'm out somewhere and someone says, "enjoy them while they are small, they grow up fast!" They are not kidding. They sure do. This was Jake's last year in grade school. Next year he'll be in 7th grade. Here's a picture of him at school on the last day of grade school with friends....

The Eve of the last day of school at the dinner......

He is just so cute. lol. I think he was actually a little sad about leaving grade school, he had an enjoyable 6 years there so it was bittersweet for him to say good bye to that school and move on to bigger and better things.
When I talk about home schooling Jake says, "no, not ME! Only the other kids" I guess it's a good thing he likes school.
Jake is a good kid. I am proud of who is he becoming. There were a few instances he made me really proud as a Christian mother, when he had an MRI done and they asked him what station he'd like on the radio and he said K-love! Or in his time capsule for school, on the sheet for 2009 he put as his favorite book~ The bible! :) That's my boy! He also made a shield when they were studying Medieval Times and he put a cross on his shield and wrote on the back that the cross stands for Jesus and he's a Christian. I cried when I read that!
He loves to play Halo, loves sports, right now he's only in baseball which is fine with me! He spends a lot of time now swimming in neighbors pools and playing kick ball outside.
Something else that Jake has surprised me with in the past 6 months is that mess drives him crazy. He would get up at 6 am before school, come downstairs and start cleaning! Or come home from school and start cleaning the house. He even tells me when I need to clean the kitchen floor! How many 12 years olds do this? lol. Hopefully that will be a good thing when he gets older and not something he gets upset with his wife for. :) Speaking of a wife, Jake is officially now interested in girls. I'm not sure if this is good or bad, I think it was easier when he wasn't very interested but I guess this time was going to come sooner or later. Let's pray he keeps his head on straight and remembers what God expects of him.
Jake is my first "momma's boy" , he will always be my baby even when he's taller then me. It's kinda funny how the boys like mom more and the girls like dad more.
and on to Autumn....... (aka, daddy's sweetie pie girl)
Our sweet Autumn just had a Birthday a few days ago. She's now a big 6 year old. She survived her first year in school, and is VERY glad it's summer.She's enjoying not having to be woken up in the morning for school. She is NOT a morning person and was giving me a seriously hard time getting her up for school in the mornings. So that takes some stress out of my life now.
She's still a daddy's girl but has decided this year that she loves me too. ha. It must have been me helping in her classroom that changed her tune. who knows. She is starting to become better friends with the neighbor girl who is almost a year older then her, which is nice to have someone so close for her to play with. Autumn also recently started sleeping in her own bed, in her own room by herself. That is a big accomplishment in our co-sleeping family. Hooray for Autumn!! We are SO very proud of her. She's usually a pretty loving little girl, but went through a phase not too long ago where she said she liked having the devil in her heart. It was not pretty but we are back to the sweet girl again, thank you God. lol.
Autumn loves to do art, she likes to write, color, paint, and make messes with her artsy stuff.
She also likes to play with babydolls, play house with her siblings, draw with chalk outside, play dress up.
Here's a recent pic of Autumn in the yard....
Here's a recent pic of Autumn in the yard....

Now for Benjamin.....(aka, Ben, Baloozee)
Ben has recently taken it upon himself to change his name to Baloozee. I don't even know how we started calling him that, It just started as a fun nickname, and now he doesn't' want to be called Ben anymore. He says, "my name is Baloozee" lol. How funny is that. I wonder how many years that will stick. I am thinking he might not like that name in his teen or adult years but for now it fits him well.
Ben is our sweet "big" guy. He's almost at the same weight as his sister Autumn and he's darn proud of it too. He does NOT like to be called little.
His favorite thing to do is hang out with his big brother Jake. There's nothing that Ben loves more then to be with Jake. I think it's so sweet how much he loves Jake, and at times I wish they were a little closer in age. Obviously because Jake is almost 13, hanging out with his 4 yr old brother isn't his top priority, but he does make time for him and Ben soaks it all in.
I am proud to say that Ben is a "momma's boy". I am not complaining!
Somethings I love about Ben is when he prays at night. He prays for the sweetest things, like, fans, nightlights, xbox, his teddy bear. He really appreciates the little things in life and is thankful for them. It was ironic the other night our power was out during the night and 3 of my kids couldn't sleep without their fans or nightlights. lol. Guess Ben is right in thanking God for them when they do work!
Ben loves to be at home. When we need to go somewhere he always argues that he is staying home. I'm pretty sure if I let him, he'd stay home alone. :)
Last month Ben was in a cast for 10 days. He fell in the driveway and refused to stand on his left leg for 3 days before I took him to the doctor. He was just getting heavy! They had to error on the side of caution so they put him in a cast. By that night, he was running around with it. We were so thankful to get that thing off!
Here's a picture of the cast..... He picked blue.....

One of his other favorite things to do....swinging in the backyard....
Gracie, Grace. She's something else I tell you. It must be that she's the youngest, I can't come up with any other excuse. She has daddy wrapped around her finger. She LOVES daddy and wants to spend every waking min with him, but when he has to go to work, mom is "good enough". lol.
she's VERY bossy, and when she doesn't get her own way she says, "Naughty mommy!!" or Naughty whoever or whatever is making her upset. :)
She hold her own with her bigger siblings, and when they make her mad she lets them know by pinching or hitting them. ( I Know, not good, we try to tell her that's not acceptable!)
Grace is still pulling her hair out with her NUK. Not sure why she enjoys doing this but its so very annoying to me. We shaved her head once trying to get her to stop, and it did work for awhile till the hair grew back. I know, we need to take the NUK away, but the daddy that is wrapped doesn't want to do that. lol. Grace loves to be outside, and has mastered riding the battery operated 4 wheeler and thinks it is "HERS".
Gracie in the backyard....
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