About You

You are LOVED by God. There is nothing you can do, or can't do to make him love you more or less. He loves you because he loves you. Because you are His child.

More then your past
Worth it
A treasure
You matter.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Morning time

6am is a good time  to spend with my Lord Jesus. I really enjoy this time, and I don't know why some mornings when the alarm goes off and I just don't want to get out of bed, why I don't just think about how nice it is to have this peace and quiet in the house, and be able to focus on what is most important, my relationship with God!
It's always during these times that my spirit can hear him speaking to me and reassuring me when I need him to that he is there. I'm slowly reading Matthew, I usually only do a few chapters a day because I spend so much time reading the commentary on the bottom too.
This morning I was reading about how Jesus dismissed the crowd, then went up on the mountainside by himself to pray. To spend time with his father.  He knew how important that was. I sometimes feel too tired in the morning to get my butt out of bed, but I need to remember how important this time is, to be in the presence of God without all the distractions of my kids and the day.
Right after that is the story about the disciples in the boat, and Jesus comes walking out on the water and they are afraid until he says "It is I, don't be afraid!"
But the part about Peter is what struck me, how  he said, "Lord if it's you, tell me to come" and Jesus said "come" and Peter walked on water, but the second he took his eyes off Jesus, and his faith got weak, he started to sink! He started focusing on his situation, the waves, and not focusing on who was in front of him. I do that all the time!
Lately, I've been having quite a bit of pain from the wisdom tooth extraction/dry socket, and the devil has been taunting me with thoughts of "my ear is hurting because it's cancer".  That thought comes into my head because ear pain is a sign of cancer of the head and neck, and I did have some before I had the cancer removed.  But when I think those thoughts, I am just letting my mind wander, I'm not taking control of my thoughts or keeping my eye on Jesus and who is in control of my life and the cancer. God is bigger then the cancer and I find myself not trusting in him. That is where the devil gets the best of me, when I take my eyes off Jesus, and start thinking on things that just are not truth.  God reminded me this morning during my time with him that I need to keep my eyes on HIM, not letting my mind drift off thinking thoughts that are untrue. I like how during my time with him in the morning he reminds me of things. I am thankful for that. He sure is good to me. You know sometimes when we tell our kids things and they just keep doing something stupid over and over, and you think, why don't they listen to me? God is so gracious. He doesn't get irritated with me when I get fearful, he just gentle reminds me in his word, to keep my eyes on him. He reassures me when I am feeling weak that he's here. He's powerful and I need not worry my little self. I like that. I think I will really enjoy worship music again this morning at church because I can think about how much he loves me and cares about me when I am singing to him and praising him this morning. He cares for and loves each and everyone of us that much. Every little detail of our lives he cares about it. How amazing is that? If your ever feeling alone, know that he is there and he loves you so much, even on days that you don't feel it, he's there like a daddy waiting with open arms inviting you to come to him. Just amazes me.

1 comment:

debbie g said...

I just learned that the name of our enemy, Satan, means one who separates. When we listen to Him, we separate ourselves from God. Interesting side note...